Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Turtle facts

 Today for our lockdown task we had to make a slide with 5 turtle facts and draw a turtle! I found it easy to find some facts about turtles. I found it tricky to draw my turtle. Next time I would use a pencil for my turtle because it was super hard to draw and I couldn't rub out any mistakes.

Here is my turtle drawing and my facts!

1 comment:

  1. Mālō e lelei Willow,
    This is a great poster. I love how you have included the drawing you did. Your WOW facts are fabulous. I didn't know turtles lose their first tooth within an hour.
    Maybe you could include a title so your readers know what it's about.
    Keep up the great mahi!
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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