Thursday, 30 September 2021

Thursday, 16 September 2021


 This week in class we did a scavenger hunt. We had to find different shapes around the classroom, After we found the shapes we had to put it on a slide and write the name of the shape in maori. I found it easy to take the photos. I found it tricky to find the shapes. Next time I would change he shapes around the classroom.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Turtle facts

 Today for our lockdown task we had to make a slide with 5 turtle facts and draw a turtle! I found it easy to find some facts about turtles. I found it tricky to draw my turtle. Next time I would use a pencil for my turtle because it was super hard to draw and I couldn't rub out any mistakes.

Here is my turtle drawing and my facts!

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Times Tables Sheet

 Today for our lockdown task we had to make a times tables sheet! we had to count all the way to 100 in times tables to finish the sheet after that we bad to colour in the sheet. I chose rainbow colours because it looks cool when there all put together.I found it easy to count all the way to 100.I found it tricky to colour in all the squares.Next time ai would change how I count to 100 so its faster and maybe change the colours.

Here is my times tables chart! 

Pen Pals

Today for our lockdown task we had to do a pen pal letter.I found it easy to write to my pen pal. I didn't find anything tricky. Next time I would write the pen pal letter to a family member

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Stop Motion

Today for our lockdown task we had to do a stop motion animation. Stop motion is a site where you just capture photos of your equipment and play your stop motion! I found it easy to take my pictures. I found it tricky to find a good place to take my photos because my pets kept getting in the background. Next time I would change what I use for my stop motion because it's pretty boring.

Here is the link to stop motion!

Here is my stop motion animation