Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Rat Island

 For reading my group is reading a book called Rat Island. We had to make a slide why we think this book is interesting from the front cover and the blurb on the back. I thought it was interesting. I have 3 reasons why I think the book will be interesting to read. I found it easy to write why I think the book will be interesting. I didn't find anything tricky. Next time I would change the font to be more fancy

Friday, 1 October 2021

Zombie Apocalypse

  In class we have been writing about Zombie Apocalypse. We had to write what they hate and what hurts their ears, we also wrote what different hand symbols mean example peace sign means "Go hide" and as well as how to collect fresh water. I enjoyed helping my friends work on the slide. I found it tricky to find what they are afraid of. Next time I would change the hand signs.

September Reflection

 This is my September reflection.

I found it easy to take a selfie.

I found it tricky to decide what to write for my Readers Theatre.

Next time I would change where I take my selfie because I was in a fort

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Thursday, 16 September 2021


 This week in class we did a scavenger hunt. We had to find different shapes around the classroom, After we found the shapes we had to put it on a slide and write the name of the shape in maori. I found it easy to take the photos. I found it tricky to find the shapes. Next time I would change he shapes around the classroom.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Turtle facts

 Today for our lockdown task we had to make a slide with 5 turtle facts and draw a turtle! I found it easy to find some facts about turtles. I found it tricky to draw my turtle. Next time I would use a pencil for my turtle because it was super hard to draw and I couldn't rub out any mistakes.

Here is my turtle drawing and my facts!

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Times Tables Sheet

 Today for our lockdown task we had to make a times tables sheet! we had to count all the way to 100 in times tables to finish the sheet after that we bad to colour in the sheet. I chose rainbow colours because it looks cool when there all put together.I found it easy to count all the way to 100.I found it tricky to colour in all the squares.Next time ai would change how I count to 100 so its faster and maybe change the colours.

Here is my times tables chart! 

Pen Pals

Today for our lockdown task we had to do a pen pal letter.I found it easy to write to my pen pal. I didn't find anything tricky. Next time I would write the pen pal letter to a family member

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Stop Motion

Today for our lockdown task we had to do a stop motion animation. Stop motion is a site where you just capture photos of your equipment and play your stop motion! I found it easy to take my pictures. I found it tricky to find a good place to take my photos because my pets kept getting in the background. Next time I would change what I use for my stop motion because it's pretty boring.

Here is the link to stop motion!

Here is my stop motion animation 

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

August Reflection

Today for our lockdown task we had to do an August Reflection. I was learning how to reflect on my learning. I found it easy to choose what I wrote in some of the boxes, I found it tricky to take a selfie. Next time I would change where I take my photo because the sun is in the background and its bright.

Paralympic facts

Today for our lockdown task we had to do a slide about Paralympic facts, My favorite fact I chose was Fact: 5 and Fact: 4. I found it easy find some of the facts, I found it tricky to find Fact: 4 and 5. Next time I would add more interesting facts about the Paralympics.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Cicada blog

 For lockdown task we have to choose a creature out of Cicada, Orca or a Bird. I chose a cicada because they are interesting to learn about. I found it easy to find a image of a cicada with no background. I found it tricky to choose facts about cicadas because there are so many interesting ones. Next time I would change my creature so I can learn more facts about them!

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Taskmaster Lockdown Challenge! Camouflage yourself.

 For lockdown we had to do a taskmaster challenge which is camouflage yourself! Tell me how I did. I enjoyed doing our camouflage yourself challenge. I found it tricky to find a hiding spot. Next time I would choose a harder spot! 

Here is my video.

Mary's Ascension

For online class we had to write about Mary's Ascension to Heaven. I found it easy to find the words for my work. I enjoyed writing about Mary. I didn't find anything challenging. Next time I would add more words. Mary the mother of Christ was taken body and soul up to heaven to live with her son Jesus
Here is a link to word cloud!
Here is my art!

Thursday, 12 August 2021


 In Room 1 we have been learning to summarise. That's when you read something and then put the main points in your own words.

We read about Maori healing plants. We all chose a New Zealand plant. I chose the Koromiko because you can find lots of medicinal uses of it. I enjoyed creating my slide about Koromiko. I found it tricky finding how you make the items that heal you. Next time I would change the plant I choose so I can learn more facts about New Zealand plants.

NZ Olympic Athlete

 In class for writing we have been learning to make links between our paragraphs. We were writing about New Zealand Olympic athletes. I decided to write about Lisa Carrington because she is one of my favorite Olympic athletes. I enjoyed writing about my favorite athlete. I found it tricky to find good facts about Lisa carrington. Next time i would add more facts.

Here is my writing.

Lisa Carrington

Lisa Carrington

23 June 1989

Tauranga NZ

Flat water racing/kayak sprint

When Lisa was 8 her family moved to the scenic coastal town of Ohope beach, near Whakatane. She is of Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki and Ngati, porou descent. Her backyard was the beach. Her family is Glynic, Pat, Shaun and Brett. Her dad taught her to swim at a really young age..

The school she went to was Whakatane High school then Massey University.

Lisa does a canoe sprint also known as ‘flat water sprint’. The canoe sprint was a demo in Paris 1924 before it became a part of the Olympic games.

Lisa Carrington belongs to Eastern Bay Canoe Racing Club, She participated in London 2102 and Rio 2016.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Japan facts

This week for Reading we have been learning to skim and scan. Skimming is when you read quickly to get an idea about what you are reading. Scanning is when you read quickly to find the fact you need.

In class we have been working on Japanese slides. We needed to decorate the title page and add images, change the font and add a background. We also had different slides we had to add facts on about the people, where in the world is Japan and many more!  I didn't get to finish the Ancient Traditions but I finished my title page and food. I enjoyed creating my slides about Japan. I found it tricky to get more facts about Ancient Traditions. Next time I would change the slides I do because I want to learn more stuff about Japan. It was really cool finding these facts.

Report Writing

 For the past few days I was learning to know when to use simple, compound and complex sentences. It was easy to use simple sentences and complex sentences.  It was tricky to use complex sentences because I couldn't think how to fit them in my writing. 

We had to choose a New Zealand native creature to write about - it could be extinct too. I worked with Camille (my friend) because she was also doing the Tuatara as well. I enjoyed writing and learning about the Tuatara.I  found it tricky to use a complex sentence. Next time I would change the native animal I wrote about so I could learn more interesting facts about New Zealand's native animals. Here is my report writing!


The Tuatara belongs to Reptiles, Genus Sphenodon.

The Tuatara has greenish brown and grey skin. It has a spiny crest along it's backs and measures up to 80cm.

Tuataras eat insects, beetles, lizards, birds, bird eggs, weta's worms, millipedes, spiders and sometimes they even eat their own babies!

Tuataras live in New Zealand. They are found on islands off the northern east coast of the North Island.

Tuataras live up to 100 years!

Thursday, 29 July 2021

in room 1 we have been learning about the Olympic games We had all had a slide to complete and add facts  and information about the Olympic facts. My digital learning object shows i can skim and scan.I enjoyed adding facts and finding facts about the Olympic games because it is really interesting.I found it tricky to find facts about the 4th medal.Next time i will add more facts about the Olympic games and change the font of my writing because its boring.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Gamefroot Progress

 This is my gamefroot progress i have coded it to move forward,backward left and right but for some odd reason it doesn't move but i have added a background character and lava! I enjoyed coding more stuff. I found it tricky to make my person move (it still doesn't).

Play my game Here!

Also here is a screenshot sorry about the cursor i cant fix that.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Gamefroot Progress

 For the past two or three weeks we have been coding our own games on Gamefroot. I have been away so I have had a lot to catch up on. This is my gamefroot progress. I have created the background, chosen a character, added some lava and kumara and made the barriers so my character doesn't fall through the void. I feel like I haven't done much. My next step is to code my character so it moves frght, left, up and down.

Here is my game so far. What do you like about what I have done? What would you suggest I add to my game?

June Student Reflection

 Today I did my June reflection! I enjoyed writing adding my times tables.I found it tricky to take a picture of myself.Next tie i would change where im taking my picture because there's people in the background. My digital learning object shows i can take a screenshot.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Financial Literacy

In room 1 this guy called Callum he taught us about financial literacy. We had to get a scrap piece of paper and think of job we do at home to earn money and we had to think of a idea for a small business and stuff we can do to earn money. If you don't know what financial literacy. Financial literacy is ways to save money and running your own business.I chose Gardening - Mowing Lawns $20-$25! Weeding $15-$20! and Planting flowers $15-$20! .Time on school days 5-8 Time on weekends any time. I only do gardening near back ormond road. Ill stick poster on poles or maybe fences! 

Matariki In Different Countries

In class we are learning to compare and contrast. This is my Matariki in different Countries I have The Seven Maidens. I shared the slide with tessa.I found it tricky to find facts about matariki.I enjoyed making my slide.

Here is my slide!

Student-Led Conference

WALT make invitations.This is my Student-Led Conference for my mum and my dad I chose a blue background because it's one of my favorite colours. On the invitation it says the time and date.I enjoyed making my avatar.I found it tricky to choose a background colour.Next time i would change my background colour.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Piskel Sprite Art

On Tuesday we started doing our piskel sprite art!
I'm not finished mine yet but I should finish by the end of the week.
I enjoyed making my pixel art I'm doing quackity's minecraft avatar!
I found it tricky to get the right skin tone for his head.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

My term 1 goals

 Today I did my term 1 goal setting.

I enjoyed telling my goals.

I found it tricky to find other goals.

Next time I would change my goals.

Monday, 12 April 2021

Today I did my march reflection.

 I enjoyed making my March Reflection.

I found it tricky to make my selfie.

Next time i would change what i put in maths.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Te Kuri a Paoa art

This week we are doing Te Kuri a Paoa, Paoa's dog standing over Young Nick's Head.

I enjoyed doing my background.

I found it tricky to do the maori patterns.

Next time i would switch my order of my back instead on blue then purple ill do purple then blue.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

My Favorite Sport.

Today we were making slides about our favorite sport we are learning how to use mote.I found it tricky to record my voice in a quiet spot.I enjoyed making my slides and telling facts about what i used to play and what i was for the team. Have you ever used mote and whats your favorite sport!

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

How plastic is killing our sea creatures

we are learning how to make connections between what we read. It very sad seeing all the sea creatures that have died to rubbish.

I enjoyed making my slides.

I found it tricky to figure out how to make my gif.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

February reflection

 Today i did my february reflection.

I enjoyed writing my reflection.

 found it tricky to take my photo.

Friday, 5 March 2021

My leten promise

 For the last few weeks we were doing our lenten promise.

I enjoyed coloring my lenten promise in.

I found it tricky to cut it out.

Here is my lenten promise.

My teddy

For the last few weeks we were bringing our old teddys to school.
I enjoyed making my canva about my teddy.
I found it tricky to find a good background and write my story.
Have you ever used canva and what teddy do you have?

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Data charts on google sheets

 For the past 2 weeks we were learning how to make a data chart on google sheets. I did dogs or cats on my data chart.

I found it tricky to learn how to change the color.

I enjoyed making my data chart.

Here is my data chart. !

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Chinese new year

 Today I was writing about chinese new year.

I found it tricky to find facts.

I enjoyed making my poster.

Friday, 12 February 2021

2021 Profile

 Today I was doing my new blog profile.

I enjoyed telling what I like and some other things.

Kia ora. My name is Willow.  I'm a Year 6. I live with my mum and step dad. My teacher is Mrs Naden. She’s the best teacher. She's super nice and funny. I have 2 puppies named Jedi and Miela, I also have 3 cats named Ping Pong, Max and Terra, I have a horse and pony named Betty and Freddy. My Bff’s are Mya, Ocean.

I'm kind of good at maths and reading. I enjoy doing art. I think it's really fun. My favourite animal is a sloth. My favourite food is nachos with cheese and sour cream. My favourite colours are red and green. I like anime. I have 2 half sisters and 2 step brothers. I want to get better at art, soccer,and maybe netball. My goal for 2021 is to do netball with Mya.

I’m looking forward to playing netball for the first time.