Wednesday, 29 April 2020

My lockdown diary new


  1. Zdravo Willow,
    It takes a while to learn something new. What gymnastics tricks are you trying? Which bit are you finding hard and why?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

  2. Zdravo Mrs Naden,
    I'm trying to learn the splits.
    im finding it hard to stretch my legs out because you need to make your legs straight and to the side
    ma te wa Willow

    1. Salama Willow,
      Learning to do the splits is hard. You have to keep stretching your legs to build up flexibility. Are you closer to doing slide splits or front splits?
      When I was your age I was learning to do headstands. Can you do them?
      Mā te wā,
      Mrs Naden

    2. Salama Mrs Naden,
      when i was 2 i could do a head stand and spits the side and front now i can still do a head stand but not the splits
      ma te wa,


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