Friday, 21 February 2020

I am from

In room 1 we have been writing about i am from
 I found it tricky to use similes and challenging myself.
 I enjoyed writing all about me.
 next time i would almost everything i wrote.
I am from
A wooden house with medium driveway and a big vege garden
Mailbox at the start of our long driveway
A large shed with three doors and one leading into our house
Two trampolines and a pool
I am from a warm kitchen with warm smells spaghetti bonase,BBQ,fish n chips,cupboards full with chips,chocolate,biscuits,fruit nuggets,chia seeds
strawberry cake,banana cake,tim tams,and brownies
I am from
Going to the olympic pools three days every week,boogie boarding,    speedway,Netflix,Bingo,monopoly,,upwords,sticky fingers,taylor swift,katy perry,six 60,justin bebeir
I am from
Dishes,chickens,cleaning my room,feeding the cats,letting the dog out,folding and bringing in the washing,making my bed,making my lunch,vacuum,
“Go and clean your room NOW!”
“Put your bag away”
“Have you fed the chickens,?”
“Go in the car NOW!”
Do the dishes now.”
“Charge your phone and chromebook now.”
I am from
Mum,dad,two siblings,lounge,room,car,outside,kitchen.

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