Friday, 28 February 2020

My Goal Setting

In Room 1 we have been doing our goals. This is my goal setting for this year and I want to be like Hinehakirirangi by challenging myself and being confident like her. I will also be kind by helping people if they don't  know how to blog and include people in my games if they are lonely also ask people if they want to play with me.
don't know how to blog

Thursday, 27 February 2020


Lent started yesterday. We got ashes on our forehead to remind us to turn back from sin and turn towards Jesus. Lent is a thing where you give up something for 40 days and if you get money for that thing you gave up you put in the caritas box. You have one in your class if you go to a Catholic School. 

Friday, 21 February 2020

Amazon rainforest dragonflies

Mrs Naden is reading a book called the explorer its about a plane crashing and some kids getting lost in the amazon jungle and trying to find there way back but they cant so they explore and follow some ants but they followed the wrong ones
here is a photo of my dragonfly

I am from

In room 1 we have been writing about i am from
 I found it tricky to use similes and challenging myself.
 I enjoyed writing all about me.
 next time i would almost everything i wrote.
I am from
A wooden house with medium driveway and a big vege garden
Mailbox at the start of our long driveway
A large shed with three doors and one leading into our house
Two trampolines and a pool
I am from a warm kitchen with warm smells spaghetti bonase,BBQ,fish n chips,cupboards full with chips,chocolate,biscuits,fruit nuggets,chia seeds
strawberry cake,banana cake,tim tams,and brownies
I am from
Going to the olympic pools three days every week,boogie boarding,    speedway,Netflix,Bingo,monopoly,,upwords,sticky fingers,taylor swift,katy perry,six 60,justin bebeir
I am from
Dishes,chickens,cleaning my room,feeding the cats,letting the dog out,folding and bringing in the washing,making my bed,making my lunch,vacuum,
“Go and clean your room NOW!”
“Put your bag away”
“Have you fed the chickens,?”
“Go in the car NOW!”
Do the dishes now.”
“Charge your phone and chromebook now.”
I am from
Mum,dad,two siblings,lounge,room,car,outside,kitchen.

Summer Holidays

In room 1 we have been writing about our summer holidays.
I found it tricky to to use adjectives and to challenge my self.
I enjoyed trying my best do the best i can.
I next time i would change my writing and think better.

Remember Driving to Tauranga in the camper watching my nana drive listening to the music on the speaker. Then when we finally go to Tauranga
 We were Driving to the beach when we got back from tauranga with my half sister and we were splashing in the waves and letting the Hot sand just push up through my toes in the hot sun. That was my summer.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Our Waka

One day during the week allie came to our school to teach us about the wakas and we did art with sand we got some glue and some sand we glued around the waka and on the lines and pored sand onto the lines of the waka and we also made similar versions of wakas and we got some cloth and a bark or wood piece and some skewers and we stabbed the skewers into the cloth and put it in the bark or wood piece then we went on the ipads and looked in the map to find where the waka went and it told us all about it Here is a photo of my waka.

Friday, 14 February 2020

About me 2020.

Ki ora my name Willow
I'm a year 5 I live with my mum. My favorite color is pink. My favorite animal is a hedgehog or a seal. I go to St Mary's school. My best friend is mya ocean or unaise. I have two kittens, one cat, one horse, one pony, two chickens and one dog. My favorite food  is spaghetti bolognese. I'm good at soccer and art. My favorite subject is writing. This year I'm looking forward for netball.