Friday, 6 September 2019

Bee Report

Classification : A bee is an insect from the apidae family.

Description: A bee has a stinger to protect its self and the stinger is at the end of the abdomen and the bee can only sting something one time because it will die and the poison will. A bee has five eyes 3 simple eyes and 2 compound eyes it cool that bees have five eyes

because it must be better to see. And a bee also has a pollen basket king of on it leg and it carries pollen on and takes it to the hive. And a bee also has six legs to stay on balance. And a bee has wings to fly and to get to each flower faster.

If a stinger goes inside your skin it will hurt and the stinger will come out of the back of the abdomenA bee goes to a flower and takes the pollen from the flower to the hive.

Location: A bee lives in a hive which is made of honeycomb. A bee also lives in a hive and a colony and they use the honeycomb to make honey and the queen lays her eggs in there .

Dynamics: A bee can collect pollen and turn it into honey you eat and it is really really yummy.

1 comment:

  1. hi willow your bee report was very interesting and i liked your moving bee gif very amazing love zara bye for now


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