Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Slime to solid

For my science fair me and my group have been making our board about goo and showing photos what the goo looks like and we put some monomers and polymers out of pom poms and pipe cleaners a monomer is one pom pom and a polymer is two pom poms on each side of a pipe cleaner our title is slime to solid we called it that because slime is kind of like goo and the next day the goo goes hard and rubbery my group members names are Arabella Evac  and Leyla when we tried recreating the goo it didn’t work because the borax was hard. borax is what made the  goo become from liquid to goo i really liked the experiment because it was really fun and I like art.

1 comment:

  1. Hi willow it's me zara i really like the way your groups slime to soild tile was very colorful and your monomers and polymers where on your board.I really love it willow. from zara.


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