Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Rat Island

 For reading my group is reading a book called Rat Island. We had to make a slide why we think this book is interesting from the front cover and the blurb on the back. I thought it was interesting. I have 3 reasons why I think the book will be interesting to read. I found it easy to write why I think the book will be interesting. I didn't find anything tricky. Next time I would change the font to be more fancy

Friday, 1 October 2021

Zombie Apocalypse

  In class we have been writing about Zombie Apocalypse. We had to write what they hate and what hurts their ears, we also wrote what different hand symbols mean example peace sign means "Go hide" and as well as how to collect fresh water. I enjoyed helping my friends work on the slide. I found it tricky to find what they are afraid of. Next time I would change the hand signs.

September Reflection

 This is my September reflection.

I found it easy to take a selfie.

I found it tricky to decide what to write for my Readers Theatre.

Next time I would change where I take my selfie because I was in a fort