Friday, 13 November 2020

Art Colouring Book

Today we went on Art Colouring Book,We had to pick a picture we wanted to do.It showed there version and a blank one.There were the colours they used and other bright bold colours that I used.I decided to use pink because its a bright  colour and I thought it would look nice on this plant.

This is my first one!
I found it tricky to choose my colours.
I enjoyed colouring it in.
Next time I would change the colours.

And This is the original one!
I like this original one because I thought the flower colours looked nice and I like the colour of the vase.I really like this one and I think the original person who coloured it did a great job!

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Spooky House

 For our reading we made our own spooky house.

I found it tricky to find a good color for the house.

I enjoyed making my spooky house.

Next time I would change the color of my house.

Question:Have we got the right house? My answer: No

Friday, 6 November 2020

Update of Camp Goals

 This is my update of my camp goals!

Cameo Camp Thank You Letter

Today we finished our letter to our camp helpers and i chose Brent! Brent is Zara's dad my friend

I enjoyed writing what i enjoyed about camp.

I found it tricky to figure out what i should write.

Next time i would change the person i write about

Willow B

40 Campion Road


5 November 2020


Dear Brent 

Thank you for being a good sport and playing games with people and coming to camp with us! You were great going down the luge.

Thank you for your time to join us in camp and doing the activities.My favorite was the luge. I was scared at first but then I did it and I really enjoyed it.

What was your favorite activity?

 Thank you for joining us in our year 5 & 6 camp. It was kind of you to join us. It was fun playing that team game with green,yellow,red,humans and disease. 

I couldn’t stop laughing when Ocean wanted to get chased and you snuck up behind her and got her It was so funny! I also enjoyed paintball. The movie was cool as well.

Ngā mihi


Thursday, 5 November 2020

October Reflection.

 Today we did our October Reflection Newsletter.

I enjoyed writing about camp.

I found it tricky to take my photo.

Next time i would change my place where i take my photo