Thursday, 22 October 2020

Jungle Law

 This week in reading we read the Jungle Law. For our task this week we had to create a poster with a block of the words from page 22.  I choose the jaguar because it looks like it is ready to pounce, in the book it looked like it was crouching but I wanted it to look like it was creeping up on something.

I created my digital learning by stacking the same grass and sent it to the back of the jaguar so its not in the way and I wanted the grass to be tall. 

I found it tricky to type all of the words from page 22.

I found it easy to stack the grass and make it look tall.

I enjoyed finding the images.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Camp Rules 2020

 Next week we are going on camp!These are our camp rules 

Camp Goals 2020

 Next tuesday we are going to camp at Tui ridge by rotorua! This is my camp goals!

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Pop Art

 Today we were doing our own self portrait pop art! The site we used was lunapic.

First take a selfie then you click upload next you click art or filter! then you choose any filter you want after that press save then add it on google drawing and your done!

I found it tricky to stretch the pictures out so it doesn't look weird

I enjoyed finding the filters.

Next time i would change the filters i used.