Thursday, 25 June 2020


We are learning about Matariki.
I found it tricky to find the facts.
I enjoyed writing.
Next time I would change my facts.

 What is Matariki?

Matariki is a cluster of stars.You can only see 7 but there are 9 stars.the 9 stars these are their names.The mother is Matariki, and her daughters are Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waipuna Rangi, Waitī, Waitā, and Ururangi. In the Māori language, Matariki is both the name of the Pleiades star cluster and also of the season of its first rising in late May or early June. This is a marker of the beginning of the new year .Matariki, the Māori New Year, is rich with tradition. Discover the importance of Matariki, and explore ways that you can celebrate the Māori New Year with your family. Matariki is officially celebrated on 13 July 2020.


Tupuanuku is the star connected to food grown in the ground. Tupu means to grow and nuku is the shortened version of Papatuanuku and means earth.


 Tuarangi is the star that connects the cluster to the harvesting of birds and other elevated food products like fruit and berries from the trees.


Tupu-ā-nuku is the eldest of Matariki's daughters. She spends her time with Papatūānuku tending to plants. She pays special attention to making sure they have everything they need to grow big and strong so they can produce kai , rongoā , and kākahu kākahu clothing materials.


Waipuna-ā-rangi welcomes the winter sky waters in all their forms  ua rain ua nganga hai and hukarere snow included. She sees how these waters contribute to the healthy cycle of our earth, and also, the effects when they don't arrive as required.


Waitī Maia one of the stars in Te Kāhui o Matariki, the Pleiades star cluster. A star connected to fresh water and the creatures that live in rivers, streams and lakes.


Waita is the star associated with the ocean and the many kinds of food Māori gather from the sea. Can you follow this recipe to make salt dough, and then create your own ocean of sea creatures? Store your salt dough in an airtight container as it keeps well for a few days.


Ururangi is the star which determines the nature of the winds for the year. Māori have always maintained a keen interest in the wind. It was only by harnessing the power of the wind that Māori were able to travel to Aotearoa in the very beginning.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Times Tables

We are learning our times tables.
We are learning 2 each week.
This week I am learning 8x8 and 9x9.
I enjoyed seeing all the times tables I know.
I found it tricky to see if i know those times tables.
Next time i would change my highlighter to a colored pencil.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Boinks and dropper popper's

WALT about boinks and dropper popper's
 I enjoyed playing with the dropper popper's because they were more fun
 I found it tricky not to get the ping pong ball on the roof


WALT about Gravity
I enjoyed finding these facts
I found it tricky to voice type it because it wouldn't type what I wanted

Why do we jump up but don't float into space?

Gravity is a force that keeps us on the ground. Pull or push against an Object.Gravity is like invisible super glue.
If you squeeze a blanket will fly up in the air as in Gravity will pull it down.
dropper popper
Drop the Dome down with a ping pong ball it will make the ping pong ball fly up in the air and gravity will pull it down

 no matter where you go the ball it's going to come down eventually.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Bling your blog

Today we are learning how to Change our blog.
I enjoyed making my background.
I found it easy to take a picture of my guitar.
I found it tricky to insert my background..
Next time I would change my art.

This is my before blog
This is my after blog

Trinity Sunday

Today we are learning about Trinity sunday. Trinity sunday is 3 in 1.The Father, The son and the Holy spirit.
I enjoyed making the apple.
I found it tricky to catch up with the writing.
Next time I would change the color of writing because its kind of hard to see.

Monday, 8 June 2020

My May refletion

Today we were doing our may newsletter.
 I enjoyed taking the selfie.
 I found it tricky to do the quiz trivia.
 Next time i would try make a better selfie and change my quiz questions.

Friday, 5 June 2020


The differences of there ,their ,they're
There is like look over there
Their is like its their toy
And They're is like they're going to hawaii

I enjoyed finding out what kind of there's ,theirs,and they're's mean.
I found it tricky to figure out some of the there's ,theirs,and they're.
Next i would change the 100 year old house.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Today we are learning about Pentecost.
I enjoyed cutting the pieces out for the fire/dove.
I found it tricky to trace.
Next time I could change the colorus of writing.

On Pentecost the disciples met in a room and they heard a strong breeze of wind and fire appeared above their heads and they started to speak different languages that they didn't know before and they told other people about

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Torch Challenge

WALT make a closed circuit
My group found it easy to connect the wires to the batteries.
My group found it tricky to make the light glow.
Next time we would research what to do next time.

electricity is something that can give you power.
the electricity comes from the wire and electricity tape and the batteries.
don't put the wire in a circle with batteries in between them.