Friday, 29 May 2020

My Hail Mary in sign language

My Dolphins reading activity

I enjoyed coloring in my T-shirt
I found it tricky to draw my dolphin on my T-shirt it took me along time
Next time i would change my sea creatures and color of dolphin on my T-shirt

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

The boy at the back of the class paper airplane letter to ahmet

I enjoyed making my plane
I found it tricky to make my plane
Next time i would change my letter and type of plane

Monday, 25 May 2020

I enjoyed making my slide and finding my photo.
I found it tricky to find my angel's and jesus.
Next time i would change my photos.

My Henri Matisse Art Work

We were learning about Henri Matisse. He died in 1954
We used primary colours and mixed the colors together the colours.
We had to blend white for the light direction.
Then we used black pastel to add details.
I enjoyed painting my art work
I found it tricky to go around the out lines
Next I would change my colours
Facts about Henri Matisse: He was good friends with artist Pablo Picasso,Some of his paintings have sold for over $20 million.

My Henri Matisse Art Work

Friday, 22 May 2020

Onjali Q. Rauf Fact File

 Today we were learning about Onjali Q. rauf
i enjoyed finding all these facts about Onjali Q rauf
i found it tricky to find her birthday and her college and her hometown
next time i would change the Quote

Name: Onjali Q. Raúf Date of
Birth: 1st February 1981
Home Town: East London
College: Sir George Monoux College
Spouse: She doesn't have one
Children: She doesn’t have any
 Most famous books: She has written the boy at the back of the class,The star outside my window,the night bus hero,The Day We Met the Queen Interesting
Facts: Onjali Q rauf’s uncle murdered Onjali Q rauf’s aunt.
 Quote:“Sometimes words hang around longer than people, even when you don't want them to.”

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Last Year's Swimming Lessons At EnterPrise Pool

 Last year we did swimming lessons. My swimming teacher was Garry and he was grumpy. He does not like it when you are silly or do something wrong. Then we started to do our swimming. We did backstroke,butterfly,and sadly i forgot the rest.Then we jumped out of the pool it was freezing then we got changed and hopped on the bus because it was raining otherwise we would have walked and then we went back to school and did our school work.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Tea bag throw

This is my video of me and theo and Mrs McCormack Doing my tea bag throw 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

My leaf butterfly art

i enjoyed finding my leaf's
i found it challenging to glue everything on
next time i would change my insect and leaf's

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Why we should reuse,reduce,recycle,repurpose.

today i was learning why we should reduce,recycle,reuse,repurpose. i enjoyed making my slides and finding my facts. i found it challenging to find my facts and find my photos. next time i would change my photos and mostly everything.

Monday, 11 May 2020

A hall of fame

i was learning about a hall of fame because it will remind us of the people in the past. i found it difficult to find some good words and explaining words because i like do good words. i enjoyed making my slide and choosing my background because its fun and enjoyable. next time i would change my slide because i want to do something new.

My recreation of art of a girl with a pearl earring

i chose a girl with a pearl earring because it just caught my eye and i thought ooh that would be a really cool and easy piece of art. i really enjoyed recreating this piece of art. i found it tricky to find the part on top the blue. next time i would change my choice of painting and change the part on top of the blue. Johannes Vermeer painted this amazing painting Johannes Vermeer painted this in 1665