Thursday, 12 December 2019

my own video on Wevideo

  • I have been learning about how to make your own video because our chromebook teacher wants us to learn.
  • I enjoyed finding my photos because i got to choose them and it was fun.
  • I found it challenging publishing it to my blog because i had do a lot of things.
  • I would change my photo's and my words next time because the words are to simple and i want different photo.

Friday, 6 December 2019

The tale of the three brothers

I have been learning about The tale of the three brothers because we were going to make a story.
I  enjoyed making my slides because i got to add lots of detail.
I  found it challenging finding my photos because there was a lot to choose from.
I would change my backgrounds next time because there dark colours.

Friday, 29 November 2019

The tale of the three brothers

 25.11.2019 gladly There lived three brothers and they were walking down the stormy and muddy road and they ended by this bridge and they tried crossing the bridge but they couldn’t get across. so grabbed their wands and built crack crack crack a new bridge was built but death was blocking their path and death pretended to congratulated them but death really hated then and death granted them each a wish. so the oldest brother asked for a wand that could grant him five wishes so death got him one from an oldest rey nearby then death turned to the second brother and he asked for a cloak so he could hide from death then finally death turned to the last brother and he asked for a necklace of teleport taction teleport away from death so then death found the oldest brother and took him far away and then the second brother was ready to get tooken far away and those to brothers passed away but the youngest brother lived happily ever after with his son 26.11.2019 and they went on journeys and found some treasure while exploring 27.11.2019 and they found something incredible they found some gems and some rainbow gems the end.

The History of guy fawkes

I have been learning about because it must be interesting and for work.
I  enjoyed making my slides because i got to write facts and because i got to change my background.
I  found it challenging finding my facts and typing a lot because my fingers got saw and we had to type a lot of facts.
I would change my background and my facts and my font next time because my backgrounds are bright and because there are a bite little and hard to read.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Saint Mary Mackillop

What you were learning about saint Mary Mackillop because its for what happened about and Mary's story.
What you enjoyed making my Mary and finding the facts because it was fun but a little bit hard.
What you found challenging typing and finding the colours and shapes because it was hard and i didn't no what shapes to use.
What you would change next time my background and my facts and my Mary because i want to add more detail.

Diamonds Fractions

What you were learning about math problems because so we can get more smart
What you enjoyed i enjoyed figuring out the problems because it was fun and hard
What you found challenging the math problems because they were hard and difficult
What you would change next time the kind of shape and colours

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

10 year old mcdonald's cheeseburger

What you were learning about 10 year old mcdonald's cheeseburger because we are trying to make a news report and for reading.
What you enjoyed making my video because it was really fun and i liked making the video.
What you found challenging concentrating and making my video because everyone was talking.
What you would change next time my background and my tone of voice because it was a bite boring my tone of voice.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

is it or iswit not

I have been learning about doing fractions because when you get to no them they are so easy.
I enjoyed finding the shapes because i get to choose them.
I found it challenging to make a background and find out how to get a background.
Next time i'm going to change the background because it to bright.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

riding my horse to school

i have been learning about how to tell the difference between real and fake things because don't bye things you don't need and so we don't spend all our money.

i enjoyed making the slide and taking the photos because it was fun and it was fun taking the photos.

i found challenging finding the images and adding the lines because i had to search a lot of thing to  find the images.

i would change next time my idea and do a different background because it will be fun and i want to change my idea.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Halloween Poster's

  • What you enjoyed i enjoyed making the poster
  • What you found challenging i found challenging finding the photo's
  • What you would change next time the photo's and the background

Thursday, 26 September 2019

The gold green medal

On tuesday it was our enviro day and we started to greet kirsty and cody and the wainui was clean and we sag lots of songs and the boys did the haka. After that everyone brag some stuff to make even better things instead of wasting and putting it in the rubbish like you can make flower pots out of a bottle or you can make little pencil holder out of a bottle and you can make bird feeders out of toilet rolls and using peanut butter and bird seeds and you can make dream catchers out of old CDs and yarn they were really cool and you can paint cups and make little houses and you can also paint containers and egg cartons and we put the bird feeders on the trees and kirsty and Cody looked at them and our class got so excited. Then we showed Cody and Kirsty our creations we made.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Friday, 6 September 2019

Bee Report

Classification : A bee is an insect from the apidae family.

Description: A bee has a stinger to protect its self and the stinger is at the end of the abdomen and the bee can only sting something one time because it will die and the poison will. A bee has five eyes 3 simple eyes and 2 compound eyes it cool that bees have five eyes

because it must be better to see. And a bee also has a pollen basket king of on it leg and it carries pollen on and takes it to the hive. And a bee also has six legs to stay on balance. And a bee has wings to fly and to get to each flower faster.

If a stinger goes inside your skin it will hurt and the stinger will come out of the back of the abdomenA bee goes to a flower and takes the pollen from the flower to the hive.

Location: A bee lives in a hive which is made of honeycomb. A bee also lives in a hive and a colony and they use the honeycomb to make honey and the queen lays her eggs in there .

Dynamics: A bee can collect pollen and turn it into honey you eat and it is really really yummy.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

The amazing flower parts

these are different flower parts like did you no that flowers have a anther or an stigma and a style and also a sepal flowers have lots of different parts and i drew a flower and i will show you a pitcher

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Slime to solid

For my science fair me and my group have been making our board about goo and showing photos what the goo looks like and we put some monomers and polymers out of pom poms and pipe cleaners a monomer is one pom pom and a polymer is two pom poms on each side of a pipe cleaner our title is slime to solid we called it that because slime is kind of like goo and the next day the goo goes hard and rubbery my group members names are Arabella Evac  and Leyla when we tried recreating the goo it didn’t work because the borax was hard. borax is what made the  goo become from liquid to goo i really liked the experiment because it was really fun and I like art.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

The Owl that Got Lost in the Enchanted Forest

One  magical day there lived a barn owl that was beautiful. It was running along the long grass and woosh. It went flying through the sky. The beautiful white barn owl landed in a tree. Then out of the bushes a tiger came and climbed the tree and tried to get the owl, but the owl only just got it. The owl flew away and didn't want to go near the tiger. Then the beautiful white barn owl flew deep into the enchanted forest. After that she heard a magical noise. It was little fairies twinkling little sparkles on the magical trees. The trees were purple and very magical. They had healing powers. One day the white  barn owl got a scratch on her wing and it was really bad, so she went to the purple tree and got her wing heald. It was really fast when she got her wing but it was a different colour. It was purple like the tree and it was very magical.
In the meantime the owl went to the fairies home. It was super sparkly with lots of fruit. Later on she went back to her house and she went to sleep after that big day.
The next morning the owl had to fly through the sky. Whoosh. Whoosh. Another bird crashed into the owl it was the same type of owl but it was blue. They became friends and they went deep into the forest and found little people that were half animal. There was a  bunny one, a deer and a bird one. They also had healing powers so they went to the three magical doors and the sign said if you choose wrong there will be consequences. The owl chooses her door and luckily she chooses the right door. She went in the door and it lead her and her new friend the tiger that had climbed the tree. The Owl said.
”You should  climb trees to help other creatures to get down safely.” So the tiger helped the other creatures to get down safely and he was good and kind to the owl, her friend and other magical creatures.
The owl and her friend went out of the door and went to her home. It was being attacked by evil  wizards and she didn't know where she could stay. Then she just remembered she could stay at her friend's house so she went there and stayed there. Her friend built her a new house for her and they all lived happily ever after.


Thursday, 27 June 2019

How to play musical clocks

What you need:

  • pencil
  • piece of paper
  • watches
  • music
  • a table/dest
  • people
What to do: 

first when the music starts you grab your piece of paper and your pencil and start moving around the table. Then When The Music Stops you read the time on the watches thats on the person desk and write it on a piece of paper. After you can keep moving around the table when the music starts again. Next if you go to the same desk go to the desk beside you.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

24 Hour footprint Digital Map

Today I was learning ctrl+h to show my history
I enjoyed making my map showing my 24 hour footprint digital map
I found it was hard to find my history
My 24 hour digital footprint map shows where i have been
Next time I would change the colour of my 24 hour footprint

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

About Me

Hi I'm Willow. I go to St Mary's School. I live in Gisborne, New Zealand. I have two half sisters.
I am a year 4. I have one cat, two kittens and one dog. I have a horse and a pony.
I have two chickens. I have a lot of animals. I used to do gymnastics.

I love writing and math and going on the Chromebooks. I like to read at the library.
I like to read in class as well when we have silent reading. I really like playing games outside.
I like playing with my friends.

I'm looking forward to when it's my birthday. I'm looking forward to my friends birthday.
I'm also looking forward to the book fair at school.

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Nau mai, haere mai!
Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.